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Mobile Robot Starter Kit, LD-90, ESD, without Battery, with Charger, Joystick, Top Plate

Teknik Özellikler

Mobile robot type OEM robot
Maximum load 90 kg
Maximum speed 1.35 m/s
Kit type Mobile robot + starter kit
Accessories included Battery power cable, Docking station, Joystick, Top plate
ESD protection
Battery included


13456-000 Side Lasers Bundle (2 lasers, one cable and 2 brackets) - For LD-60/90/250
13456-100 Side Lasers Kit (2 lasers, 2 painted metal covers, one cable and 2 brackets) - For LD-60/90/250
13605-000 HMI (7" touchscreen, cables, power supply, mounting gasket)
13660-000 Mobile Robot HAPS (High Accuracy Positioning System) option LD-60/90/CT - Double Sensor, Magnetic tape, 50 m roll
13660-100 Mobile Robot HAPS (High Accuracy Positioning System) option LD-60/90/CT - Single Sensor, Magnetic tape, 50 m roll
13700-000 Mobile Robot Acuity Option with leveling kit
13700-100 Mobile Robot Acuity Option without leveling kit
14165-000 DB44HD Breakout cable
20271-805 Mobile Robot License, Cell Alignment Positioning System (CAPS), Perpetual, valid for all AMR models
20452-700 Mobile Robot Battery for LD-series
21446-000 Rear Facing Laser Bundle, valid for CAPS target location from the rear - For LD-series
23419-802 Mobile Robots, Mobile IO Box
23419-812 Mobile Robots, Power supply for Mobile IO Box

Dosya indirme

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