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Guard locking Switch, RFID High-coded, Solenoid monitoring, Power to unlock, PNP, Test Pulse, Screw connection, re-teaching enabled

Teknik Özellikler

Coding Unique
Connection method Cable
Degree of protection (IP) IP66/IP67
Diagnostic LED
Door contacts NC 2
Door contacts NO 1
Door switch type RFID magnetic
High coding level
LED indicator
Lock/Release key type Standard key
Material housing PBT
Number of auxiliary outputs 1
Number of safety inputs 2
Output test pulses
Output type PNP
Solenoid voltage 24 V
Teaching limitation
OSSD configuration Guard monitoring AND lock monitoring
Lock/Release logic Power to lock (Solenoid lock)


D41G-A1L Actuator for D41G, compact, left-hand side, without emergency exit
D41G-A1L-E0 Actuator for D41G, compact, left-hand side, with emergency exit
D41G-A1R Actuator for D41G, compact, right-hand side, without emergency exit
D41G-A1R-E0 Actuator for D41G, compact, right-hand side, with emergency exit
D41G-A2L Actuator for D41G, with door handle, left-hand side, without emergency exit
D41G-A2L-E1 Actuator for D41G, with door handle, left-hand side, with emergency exit
D41G-A2L-E1T Actuator for D41G, with door handle, left-hand side, with emergency exit, with lockout tag
D41G-A2R Actuator for D41G, with door handle, right-hand side, without emergency exit
D41G-A2R-E1 Actuator for D41G, with door handle, right-hand side, with emergency exit
D41G-A2R-E1T Actuator for D41G, with door handle, left-hand side, with emergency exit, with lockout tag

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