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Otomasyon Blog Sayfası

Operasyonel Mükemmellik
autonomous production flow bboard back

3 Steps to Optimize Operational Efficiency for the Future of Manufacturing

2 Ekim 2019, Çarşamba Operational Excellence is required to maximize capital expenditures. But at the same time manufacturers are challenged to move away from traditional high volume, low mix production runs, to more complex high mix, low volume production with consumer demand linked directly with production. How to optimize operational efficiency to be ready for the future of manufacturing?
Kolaboratif Robotik
engineer robot programming fcard prod

Kolaboratif çalışma

1 Ekim 2019, Salı Üretim dünyası değişiyor. Üretim hatlarının daha kısa çalışma süreleri, daha fazla ürün çeşitliliği ve sıkışık teslim tarihleriyle başa çıkabilmesi için daha yüksek düzeyde esneklik kazanması gerekiyor. Üreticiler bu zorluklara yanıt olarak çeşitli görevleri yerine getirecek şekilde programlanabilen daha gelişmiş, birbiriyle bağlantılı ve akıllı sistemler sunuyor.
Endüstri 4.0
industry-4-0 example internet of things bboard back

A practical illustration of IoT and Industry 4.0

1 Ekim 2019, Salı The Internet of Things (IoT) is a relatively new phenomenon. Prof Dr Thomas Pospiech, a teacher of Production and Process Management at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, was interviewed recently about the ‘IoT box’ he’s developed to give his students a practical illustration of this fairly abstract concept.
Endüstri 4.0
automation services prod

What is the effect of Brexit on automation in the UK?

26 Eylül 2019, Perşembe Currently, workers from the EU have the right to travel and work freely across European borders. However, key statistics of net migration from the Office of National Statistics in the UK, show that net migration to the UK has been significantly reduced since 2016. With the announcement of Brexit, and the ensuing uncertainty around it, UK factories are perhaps no longer a viable destination for European workers.
Kolaboratif Robotik
Omron TM Human-collaboration bboard sol

The future of flexible production - combining the power of mobile robots and cobots

19 Eylül 2019, Perşembe Consumer trends are changing and product life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. As a result, manufacturers increasingly have to accommodate individual customer needs. To remain profitable, they need to have flexible production lines that can cope with rapid product changes, individual modifications and small lot sizes. Collaborative robots can help them to achieve their goals, especially if they can be used in a mobile environment – i.e. combined with mobile robotics.
Endüstri 4.0
industry4-0 concept business people shaking hands industry-graphic bboard back

Industry 4.0 - hot topic or hot air?

19 Eylül 2019, Perşembe Industry 4.0 is defined by Wikipedia as “the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies”. But what does that mean for you and your customers? And it isn’t really a new topic. At Omron, we’ve been working on manufacturing automation and data exchange for years.
Sürdürülebilir Üretim
automotive fhv7 prod

Genel hatlarıyla entegre emniyet

19 Eylül 2019, Perşembe Çalışanları korumak ve arızaların değerli ürün ve ekipmanlara zarar vermesini önlemek için tüm üretim veya paketleme hatlarında emniyet sistemlerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. İyi bir emniyet sistemi, gerekli durumlarda hattı durdurarak potansiyel kazaları önler ve hattın hızlıca yeniden başlatılmasına olanak sağlar.
Endüstri 4.0
conveyor filled cans bboard sol

How smart is your packaging line?

17 Eylül 2019, Salı Industry 4.0 is changing the way in which manufactured goods are produced, through the use of automation and data exchange. By incorporating it into your packaging line, you can start to enjoy a range of benefits, from better data management to improved efficiency. Moving to a modern, flexible and smart line will bring the most benefits, but replacing a complete production line might not be a viable option if you’re operating with tight margins. However, even small changes to your existing facilities can significantly boost your efficiency.
Yapay Zeka
ai infographic edge fog cloud bboard back

Edge, Fog and Cloud clarified

16 Eylül 2019, Pazartesi What do the terms Edge, Fog and Cloud mean in relation to artificial intelligence in industrial manufacturing? They are actually different layers of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Here is a quick overview on how we at Omron describe these terms in relation to AI, using an analogy with a nervous system.
Kolaboratif Robotik
collaborative robotics seminar workshop bboard back

Collaborative robots: forging a new future

16 Eylül 2019, Pazartesi In today’s ever-changing world, manufacturers are facing increasingly heavy demands. Factories worldwide are having to produce a high mix, low volume of products to meet customer needs, whilst also dealing with shorter product life cycles and shortages of labour. To remain competitive, manufacturers must be sufficiently agile to cope with rapid changes in lines and layouts.
Yapay Zeka
factory ai head bboard sol

Artificial Intelligence and the future of manufacturing

16 Eylül 2019, Pazartesi The discussion about ‘Artificial Intelligence’ (AI) in manufacturing is now gaining momentum. This is mainly due to the availability of greater processing power and increasing volumes of data (the ‘sensorisation’ of the industry). A key factor that will help manufacturers to gain the maximum benefit from these recent advances is the use of adaptive algorithms. This in turn is a major stepping stone towards the development of ‘the factory of the future’.